48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

Grow your business with only 15 hours a week



Can I really grow a business with only 15 hours a week?  It seems every week I’m asked about that question – and the answer is a resounding Yes!  But you have to devote time to each of four critical areas.  Otherwise you may just learn more but never really develop a “business.”  Or you may create a “job” for yourself without ever getting closer to having a business.  In this episode I explain the four areas that need attention and give you a formula for how many hours to spend in each area with those 15 hours. I have a 7&8 year-old that also need resets from time to time and I’ve been struggling to find positive audio that’s understandable for them at this age. In working with my wife I have learned that she is the dreamer and I am the “realist.” I made out a list of 30-40 business ideas, what’s the process for narrowing those down and ultimately landing on one to pursue? Can I really grow a business with only 15 hours a week? “Listen to your wife’s dreams – because if you don’t, someone else will.”