48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

Why I’ve had a lifelong love affair with money



Why I’ve had a lifelong love affair with money. That may sound like a selfish admission, but I changed my thinking about money years ago.  My Dad was a pastor and I heard plenty about “the love of money.”  And while I respect his deep devotion, I think he misunderstood the message.  In today’s podcast I want to address these questions: How can I increase my sense of “deserving” success? What is your mindset about money? How can I address my “upper limit challenge?” How can I learn to serve from a full cup? “Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.” Will Smith [Tweet This]   Summary: In this episode, Dan Miller challenges our mindset regarding money. We are taught to love it or hate it; but, is there a healthier view that we can maintain? Our mindset are often the result of the instilled values of our upbringing and this can work to our demise. Listen as Dan shares from his personal experiences, observations, and thoughts regarding church teachings about money