48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

Are my skills appreciated by anyone?



Are my skills and specialized job training appreciated by anyone? Many of you have job training in specific areas.  That can give you an advantage or make you feel trapped.  The key is to draw a line in the sand and take a fresh look at what unique skills you have, what kind of environments you most enjoy, and what are your recurring dreams.  It may confirm what you’re doing now, or it may alert you that a change is needed.  There are too many options to feel trapped.   If I work overtime I’m neglecting my family, if don’t work overtime I’m neglecting my employer and our only source of income. I finished graduate school with a 3.9 GPA; isn’t that worth something? I have two career ideas that don’t quite mesh, and would like to know which one might prove to be more successful. Can I approach a company with a “thank you for not hiring me” note as a lead in? How can I learn what I need to do to start a lawn mowing business? “Far better to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkere