48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

All We Need is Love



All We Need is Love People are not looking for more systems and processes. They’re looking for hope, encouragement, love, respect and transformation.  If you’re already providing those you are likely in a position to prosper financially as well.  I’ll be sharing some of what I’ve done and how you can step right into the path that fits you best. Questions we address on this week’s Podcast: My husband was laid off in the oil downturn and after two years of “getting by”, he is back out in the oil field. He is conflicted though. I have a business idea of a mobile RV washing and cleaning business. Any thoughts on a business like this? What questions do you ask when you get to talk to successful people at this stage in their life? Dan, please help me help your listeners who are salespeople that cold call businesses. Would I be crazy to leave an unfulfilling job making 5 figures after 25 years to work for a humanitarian organization that serves those in need in various countries? I feel like my brain and he