48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

Finding your path as a high school student



Finding your path as a high school student  — Last week a listener asked if I were invited to give a university’s commencement address, what would I tell the graduates? This week another listener asked – what would you tell a junior or senior in high school who has yet to decide on a major? My suggestions include: allow yourself the freedom of exploration – follow your curiosity.  Find ways to make money – even if you don’t think you want to be an entrepreneur.  Shadow professionals who are doing work you think you might enjoy.  Other questions we explore this week: Is it now better to show I’m NOT working and focusing on improving myself? Recently, I earned my MBA in Management, and now find myself between a rock and a hard place. I have been finding that I am over-educated but lacking in work experience. How do I leave a job gracefully when I’ve only been here 7 months? Should I continue to stay at this miserable job while working my business on the side, look for a new job with potentially less favor