48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

Don’t confuse activity with accomplishment



Questions: I am so ready to go, and every day I want so badly to be making a difference in the world, I just don’t know what the next step is. My wife and I are looking for some coaching help. My wife and I were burned some 20 years ago and are still trying to regain the confidence needed to get back in the game. I want to find a career that I will be happy that makes a specific salary.  I know that I would like to NOT be in sales. Good News More questions Cliff Feightner poem: When you are looking at your careerIs it something you dread and you fearIs it just a sad truthLooking back at your youthAnd where it’s brought you gives you a tear Quotation: “Selling is serving, helping others find solutions, impacting lives positively with passion and integrity.”  ― Farshad Asl  — Tweet This Show Notes: Episode – 10-20-17 Title: N/A Subtitle: N/A Summary: In this episode of the 48 Days Podcast, Dan centers the conversation around the difference between activity and accomplishment, and explains why it’s ve