48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

To make money do something meaningless…



  A listener writes:  “I have a near hatred towards people that talk about enjoying their lives and their work. Work seems to be a burden for the whole lot of us. Nothing that has purpose makes a profit, and nothing that makes a profit has purpose.  If there are any exceptions to that, I would like to know.  To make money, you have to do something meaningless at best. Am I missing something?” In this episode Dan unpacks these very common questions. Episode #624 August 10, 2018 Hi, this is Dan Miller – and yes you’re listening to the 48 Days Radio show – where each week we take 48 minutes to dive into real life questions about finding your passion, deciding what kind of life you want to live – and then finding or creating work that allows you to show up every day, excited to be able to do something that is meaningful, fulfilling – and profitable.  This is where normal, indecision and ambiguity come to die.  Welcome to the 48 Days Radio Show. Questions: 1. I have a near hatred towards people that talk abou