The Manwhore Podcast: A Sex-positive Quest For Love

Ep. 79: Ew, Billy, really?



Stay up-to-date with future Billy at No one likes getting rejected. Samantha is no exception. This week's Manwhore Podcast guest calls me out on my crap and reminds me how our short-lived fling ended. There never seems to be a good way to reject a sexual partner but there are definitely some bad ways to do it. Rejecting someone during your podcast's intro monologue is certainly one of those bad ways! Samantha is now one of my good friends. I think. We discuss friendship this week especially after hooking up. Can men and women just be friends? Of course! Well, kind of. My guest ponders her abilituy to have platonic straight male friends. Also, no one will set me up with one of their friends which is totally understandable. Chucklef*cker (n.) - a person who has sex with a lot of stand-up comedians. Samantha had the Summer of Comedians in 2014. Pro tip: first have sex with an open mic comedian and work your way up to a guy with an HBO special. F*ck up, not down. People got mad ab