English in Brazil Podcasts

Starting Up | Episode 57 - 7 Expressões Idiomáticas com partes do corpo



Achou estranho o título? Mas olha como tem expressões idiomáticas, ou idioms, que citam partes do corpo humano! E veja como é mais fácil guardá-las dessa forma! expressões: big mouth, by heart, to have a sweet tooth, nosey, a pain in the neck, to see eye to eye, to shake a leg Parágrafo: Eric was a real big mouth! He knew every neighbor’s name by heart. He knew that Ms Smith had a sweet tooth, so he would give her a chocolate bar everytime they met. But he wasn’t nosey, he just wanted to be sure everybody was really nice nearby. Mr Logan was a pain in the neck. He was always making noises late at night in his garden. He had a girlfriend who used to see eye to eye on almost everything. She was very slow and very often late for appointments! Eric was always asking her to shake a leg to go to the movies.