English in Brazil Podcasts

Starting Up | Episode 60 - Conheça o curioso livro de frases em inglês que estava todo errado



Pois é! Confere o episódio de hoje pra conhecer esse livro que acabou sendo um dos expoentes do humor não-intencional no século XIX! Textos lidos (em inglês errado e confuso) For to dine Go to dine, the dinner is ready. Cut some bread; here is it, I don’t know if that boiled meat is good. Gentilman, will you have some beans? Peter, uncork a Porto wine bottle. Sir, what will you to? Some pears and apples, what wilt you? Taste us rather that liquor, it is good for the stomach. I am too much obliged to you, is done. A “piada”... One eyed was laied against a man which had good eyes that he saw better than him. The party was accepted. “I had gain, over said the one eyed; why I see you two  eyes, and you not look me who one.” Music: Elephant Waltz by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com Music: Helena's Lament by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com > Baixe gratuitamente o e-book com 100 frases essenciais em Inglês - https://eibrazil.com/100-podcast