English in Brazil Podcasts

Starting Up | Episode 83 - Conheça 7 Leis Britânicas absurdas e que ainda estão em vigência!



Episódio diferente aqui no Starting Up! Uma incursão no mundo das Leis malucas que, por incrível que pareça, não foram descontinuadas! 1 – In Chester, you can only shoot a Welsh person with a bow and arrow inside the city walls after midnight 2 – It is illegal for a Member of Parliament to enter the House of Commons wearing a full coat of armour 3 – Placing a postage stamp of the queen upside-down is considered a treason 4 – It is illegal to sell most goods on a Sunday. It is however legal to sell a carrot. It is also legal to sell it at any price, and to give free gifts with it, such as anything else one might buy on a Sunday 5 – In Hereford, you may not shoot a Welsh person on Sunday with a longbow in the Cathedral Close. 6 – Sleeping with a consort of the queen is classified as treason, and as such carries a maximum penalty of death 7 – In London, Hackney taxis must carry a bale of hay and a sack of oats Baixe gratuitamente o e-book com 100 frases essenciais em Inglês - https://eibrazil.com/100-podcast In