English in Brazil Podcasts

Way ahead | Episode 85 - News to Learn English #16



Another episode with teacher Fabio Emerim reading 6 news from the page News in Level! This time you can read the full transcription of the episode on our blog: https://englishinbrazil.com.br/2022/08/textos-do-episodio-85-do-way-ahead.html Fonte: https://www.newsinlevels.com/ ESTUDE NO ENGLISH IN BRAZIL DO BÁSICO AO AVANÇADO (caso as matrículas não estivererm abertas ainda, este link leva para a lista de espera): https://eibrazil.com/podcast Baixe nosso e-book gratuito Roteiro de Estudos - https://eibrazil.com/re-podcast NOSSO PERFIL OFICIAL NO INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/englishinbrazil