English in Brazil Podcasts

Way ahead | Episode 94 - Five Time-Travel Stories That Will Shake your Head



In this episode, teacher Fábio Emerim tells you 5 allegedly real time-travel stories that will leave you thinking for days. OBS: você pode acompanhar lendo a transcrição desse episódio no nosso blog em: https://englishinbrazil.com.br/2022/12/texto-do-episodio-94-do-podcast-way-ahead-five-time-travel-stories-that-will-shake-your-head.html Vídeo de Håkan Nordkvist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBUv4j3DINE Fonte: https://www.indiatimes.com/culture/who-we-are/7-real-accounts-of-time-travel-that-ll-leave-you-questioning-everything-258251.html Baixe nosso e-book gratuito Roteiro de Estudos - https://eibrazil.com/re-podcast NOSSO PERFIL OFICIAL NO INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/englishinbrazil