The Manwhore Podcast: A Sex-positive Quest For Love

Ep. 32: Nerdy Teenage Sex



Stay up-to-date with future Billy at Billy and Amanda reunite 8 years later after a fun bonding night of getting naked with each other as teenagers. The two met on a People to People Leadership Conference, a pre-college program where hormonal high schoolers get together for ten days to learn how to be leaders and flirt with one another. PWYLO: Purple With Your Lanyards On! Billy shares some crazy stories from his People to People experience. Disneyland. Bleeding pussies. Grinding. And so is the beginning of The Manwhore. Plus, the elusive search for love. Amanda and Billy chat about coming into their own as sexual beings. Both were once outcasts as they discovered their worths in the dating sphere. She was the typical nerd girl, bringing Pokemon cards to school and dressing up for cosplay conventions. Billy was the chubby socially awkward kid who didn't know how to talk to women. Now they're both rocking blowjobs, hot sex and dating mishaps! Ladies: how do you shave your