Delight Your Marriage

388-Healing His Wife's Sexual Abuse. Bill H's Transformation Story



My heart goes out to any wife who has experienced sexual abuse. There are so many layers of pain... it's truly horrible.  As a husband, the evil that was done to your wife harmed her immeasurably. The person you love the most. And it impacted your marriage, your intimacy, and your life forever.    Is healing possible? What if she doesn't "DEAL WITH" her abuse? (Sometimes I hear men say that their hands are tied if she doesn't deal with her trauma.) Can a husband do anything?   I believe Bill's story can give you hope.  He would say, "Yes."    From many years of a full life but an empty marriage, he is thrilled to tell you, there is hope even for your marriage.  He has 43 years under his belt.  He was a self-diagnosed "podcast addict." :) Always looking to FIX his wife. He knew there had to be a solution. But nothing moved the needle ...until Delight Your Marriage.   He said after 3 months of the Masculinity Reclaimed program (MR)... from decades of passionless marriage, they feel "like 60-something teenagers