48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

Frustrated college graduate?



College Graduates will be homeless slaves with massive debt...the story continues Two years ago I wrote this piece that continues to get input. In this week's episode I share current questions from college graduates who feel trapped by virtue of their college degrees. But no one is trapped. We all have so many options to take our personal talents and move into our dream position. I’m not dissing getting a college degree. I have more degrees than anyone needs, but not with the idea that it was going to get me a particular job. I have those degrees for the sole purpose of learning and engaging with others. Questions: I'm on day 25 of the 48-day plan, I sent introductions via Linked In, but now that I’m getting ready to send my resume and cover letter to these contacts, I’m realizing I can’t send them through Linked In and their e-mail addresses aren’t available. What do you recommend as my next step? I’ve got a degree in teaching but don’t want to be a teacher I am a 45-year old attorney (married with four chi