The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

How to Write Personalized Emails in Less Than 3 Mins that Your Prospect Will Reply to | Michelle Craig & Tom Slocum - 1678



You know you need to personalize your outreach, but you keep getting bogged down in trying to write the perfect e-mail or phone script. If you’re trying to write quick, to-the-point e-mails that actually get opened, you’re in luck. In this episode, your host Donald Kelly opens up a great collaborative conversation with Michelle Craig and Tom Slocum. Between the three of them, they bring a variety of opinions and offer specific tools to add to your arsenal for 2023. Your Subject Line Short subjects or posing as though you’re sending an internal e-mail are reaching a point of saturation. Describe what’s in the e-mail in as few words as possible. Avoid gimmicks like emojis, using the person’s name, etc. The Body of the E-mail The first line is sometimes more important than the subject line! People are reading on mobile and even smart watches! Garner interest without seeming like spam. Outline the problem and tie it back to your solution, but keep it short and sweet. This isn’t school - there’s no n