48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

I can stop your progress with this toothpick



It takes a massive amount of power to get a locomotive to simply move the first 2 inches. That’s you - it takes a massive amount of energy to start anything - to progress that first 2 inches. And here’s the startling reality. You can stop that locomotive from ever going those first 2 inches with a simple 1 inch block under the front wheel. It can’t generate enough energy to get over even a small impediment placed in a strategic position when trying to start from a standstill. But once you get moving you reach momentum where you can break through even big obstacles. What's stopping you from moving those first 2 inches? Don't let a toothpick hold you back. Questions: 1. Dan What are your skills and abilities, your personality traits, and your values, dreams, and passions? 2. Dan, do you have any words for my seniors who are pursuing a career in the creative and performing arts? 3. I am admittedly fearful about a change, but more fearful to miss this opportunity for the combined work & life I love. 4. So, h