Delight Your Marriage

383-Moms Sacrifice. Should Wives? v2



Mother's Day is almost here! (This Sunday!) Make sure the mom in your life is getting treated really nicely! She is WONDERFUL and deserves to be celebrated! I have a wonderful mom. She sacrificed so much for me. I am forever in her debt. As a mom myself... I believe sacrificing to be a good mom brings her greater joy than if she had never sacrificed at all.    Sacrifice. Duty. Responsibility.    Sounds antiquated, old-fashioned, and maybe even oppressive...?   Am I morally obligated to take care of my kids?  Did I assume the responsibility for their well-being when my husband and I enjoyed... ...ehemm... "actions with procreative potential"... which (happily) resulted in a child?   I would submit the answer is "yes."   I now lay down Feelings and pick up a life built upon proper values.  Hopefully, your mom did the same... otherwise, it would have been a very difficult existence for you.    The nature of a mother: assuming a role and duty to care for those souls entrusted to her.   What does this have to do w