Muscle for Life

Alyssa Olenick on Using “Hybrid Training” to Maximize Your Fitness



What is hybrid training?  Well, that's exactly what you will learn about in this podcast interview with Dr. Alyssa Olenick.  At its core, hybrid training (also known as concurrent training in the scientific literature) is a fusion of strength and cardiovascular training.  Many people feel these types of training are at odds, but in this episode, you’re going to learn how hybrid training is not only possible, but can be complimenting, helping you excel in both strength and endurance. In case you’re not familiar with Alyssa, she’s an Exercise Physiologist, sports nutritionist, weight lifter, and ultra runner. And with her strong academic background, she’s dedicated herself to both the practical and theoretical sides of fitness, helping thousands of clients crush both their lifting goals and their race finish lines.  Her unique perspective combines the rigors of scientific research with practical, hands-on coaching experience. In chat, Alyssa and I discuss . . . The concept of hybrid training, blending s