48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

Is 48 Days just hype to make Dan rich?



1.  I am a 63 year old married lady who is still working and never has any money. I am afraid of failure I do believe..plus, I really don't know to follow through. Here's my dilemma..I believe I have a story that needs telling...   2.  I have a good government job that allows me to telecommute. I go weeks between projects. It goes against my work ethic to do something other than work during the 8 hours I'm paid for. It's killing my self-esteem.  Your thoughts?   3.  Dan is your 48Days a self help program and will it find me a better job or is that all hype to sell your book? If it does work do you have any proof of this? I am a critic as I believe you are trying to sell me something that may not work just so you can get rich.   4.  The insurance agency I work for is literally dying. Business hasn't been great in this area -- my paycheck has been less than $18,000/yr.  The agency manager wants to retire in 5 years and is trying to encourage me to take over. I've thought about moving on to pursue schoolin