Timely Words By Tony Cooke

Before You Cite “The Original Greek”|(feat. Keith Trump)|About Biblical Languages



Unless you are expert in one of the biblical languages, you may have felt the tension. - How on earth is that word really pronounced? - What if there’s someone in the congregation who really knows the Greek language and my definition of a word isn’t exactly right? - Will people really benefit if I refer to the Greek, or am I secretly trying to impress people? - What are some basic steps I can take to improve my understanding and use of biblical languages? A long-time friend, Keith Trump is expert in Greek and Hebrew, and in this interview, he shares many practical and helpful tips for those of us who are not students of the biblical languages. Included in this interview is a discussion on typical mistakes preachers make when referring to the Greek and Hebrew. You can learn more about Keith’s ministry by visiting www.trumpofgod.org and www.gettinggreek.org You can also check out two of Keith’s articles on Tony’s website by visiting: www.tonycooke.org/articles-by-others/four-methods-mishandling-greek and www