

“Effectiveness requires an appreciation for monotony and routine.”This Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.A lot of people say things like, "I hate monotony" or "I hate routines."The challenge with such an identity is that it establishes a fixed mindset about one's abilities; what one can achieve.The art of enjoying monotony and routine is an essential principle for success.Try to imagine a masterful painter, pianist, or bodybuilder who doesn't appreciate the value of practice.Consider the monotony of bodybuilding or training for a marathon. Each demand tedious, monotonous, and routine efforts; which become the path to betterment.In the natural world, nothing remains static or fixed for too long. Letting go of a fixed, deleterious story about monotony and routine will lead to growth.Learn to welcome and appreciate the value of routine and monotony as much as variety and surprise.Enjoy the show!Visit learn more about P.A.R.R., just Google “P.A.R.R. and The