

“Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.” ~The Dalai LamaThis Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.It finally dawns on me that along with ANY worthwhile goal one chooses to pursue, pain and suffering are part of the “package.” Each is preloaded – like software – with every worthwhile goal and ideal.For instance, if you want to be a great mother, you can rest assured there will be pain and suffering.If you want to become a lawyer, there will be pain and suffering.If you want to become a great gymnast, a chess or surf champ, there will be pain and suffering.Do you want to have the perfect spouse? Brace yourself; there will be pain and suffering.Why is this worth mentioning? Since pain and suffering are inescapable, it’s imperative to pursue goals you are obsessed with and passionate about. Otherwise, you'll quit.Enjoy the show!Visit learn more about P.A.R.R., just Google “P.A.R.R. and The Habit Factor.”------Check out, EVERYTHING is a F*cking STORY my late