Outsports Radio

3 Strikes, You're Out #28: To Baseball or Not To Baseball with Adam Sokol



Baseball might be on the path to restarting! But in the shadow of a worldwide pandemic, is this a good thing? I'm joined by comedian and Tiger fan Adam Sokol (NY Times) and we decide...maybe not yet. Owners and players are currently negotiating a payment plan that they'd kinda sorta already agreed on in March and that's never cool. Plus there's...you know...that pandemic that I mentioned two sentences ago. Stay with me here, people... Fortunately, there are still some fun baseball things to talk about like Miguel Cabrera's hitting genius and everlasting puffiness. And the Korea Baseball Organization. I positively bubble over with KBO love at the end of this one. Go Wyverns! Twitter: @KenSchultz_ @SokolAdam Insta: @kenthinguy @sokoladam Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices