Growth Everywhere | Entrepreneurial Stories | Business Lessons

Why Had to Raise $44M in Funding for Such a Simple Concept as Amy the Personal AI Assistant



Hey everyone! In today's episode, I share the mic with Dennis Mortensen, founder of, a revolutionary AI personal assistant. Tune in to hear Dennis talk about how having 1,019 meetings in one year led to creating Amy the personal assistant, why they had to raise $44M in funding, the two major challenges of creating a simple concept, and how he effectively manages his time. Click here for show notes and transcript. Leave Some Feedback: What should I talk about next? Who should I interview? Please let me know on Twitter or in the comments below. Did you enjoy this episode? If so, leave a short review here. Subscribe to Growth Everywhere on iTunes. Get the non-iTunes RSS feed Connect with Eric Siu: Growth Everywhere Single Grain Twitter @EricSiu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit