Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

233: Helping friends, Aliens, PMS, Anger management, Reducing anxiety



1.  I feel like I am in the process of losing my best friend. She has been trying to leave an emotionally abusive/narcissistic relationship with a much older man for a while. Of her own admission she has “no future” with this guy. Whenever I try to have this conversation with her, she freezes up and goes silent on me for weeks until she messages again with a complete change of topic.  What would you do, doctors, if you were in my position? 2.  I have a question regarding alien abductions. If mental illness is not to account for the feeling of being abducted by aliens, what are the doctor’s takes on this strange phenomenon? 3.   I’ve been struggling with mood swings/PMS my whole life now, however, they’ve gotten worse over the past few months since I seem to let out my frustration on my partner now.  I’d really appreciate some tips on how to get along with my significant other during this special time and get some advice on how to not obsess over one’s emotions. 4. What is the deal with anger management? I gue