Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

243: Erectile Dysfunction, Pleasure Trap/Ego Trap: Blaming the wrong things



In today's show, the Dr's answer and discuss the following questions: 1. My high blood pressure medication is causing me to underperform in the bedroom to the point where I feel extremely anxious, embarrassed, and guilty that I am losing this part of myself to old age.    My doctor says it's either the meds or a stroke, so I follow her advice.   My wife is very supportive, but I can't help but feel guilty.  How can I help her understand that I do love her and that it's not her physical appearance that is causing my malfunction? 2. Eating foods that make you feel horribly bad. Why am I abusing myself in such manner? Can you help me understand the cycle? 3. When caught between the pleasure and ego trap for food is one way out to somehow get to the point that you know you can eat whatever you want but truly don't want to eat the high fat food? Or is the only way out to be sick and your life depends on it? 4. Can you provide a succinct, complete definition of the term, "Pleasure Trap" in your book of the same nam