Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

245: Maximizing freedom, Are pets supernormal family stimuli?



In the last live episode of 2020, Dr. Howk and Dr. Lisle discuss: 1. I am in my mid forties and for almost my whole life I have been a strong advocate of much stricter controls of driving, smoking and drinking. Literally my only disclaimer is that I understand controls may lead the behaviour to go underground and so you'd have to allow for that. Otherwise: Bring on the controls of these dangerous activities!  I personally do not own a car, do not smoke and do not drink by the way. Others seem not to feel the same and often strongly say the deaths are an acceptable cost to the ongoing enjoyment of smoking, drinking and relatively unsafe driving.  How fantastic that everyone's cost-benefit-analysis has suddenly shifted so far to now accept infringements on personal behaviour to prevent covid deaths? I say "welcome to the saving lives party; I have been here enjoying it for many years and I welcome you. Perhaps now you are ready to save a few more million lives with some relatively minor additional infringements