Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

266: Going mad, nervous breakdowns, Getting over small slights in a LTR



In today's show, Dr. Lisle discusses: 1. Is there such a thing as going mad? Are similar expressions mostly just used to discredit people? What about mental breakdowns? 2. What would cause a fully-functional, productive member of society to have a "nervous breakdown," and become a total basket case? Conventional diagnoses include PTSD, anxiety, Major Depressive Disorder, and the treatment has, so far, been, treatment with more and more meds, whether in or outpatient. Is this just a function of personality? Is this person running a CB analysis that says it's better to be this way, even though she's miserable and claims that she wants to get back to work and life? What's the best way to support her? 3. How do I get over small slights in an otherwise happy and healthy relationship? I am probably more sensitive than the average bear. My partner of 5 years is great. But he has a habit of correcting me on the proper pronunciation of words whenever they come up, usually 1-3 times per year. The first few times I took