Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

267: Sentimental objects, Birth control, Getting over the victim mentality



In today's show, Dr. Howk discusses: 1. My house is lovely, and clutter free - except one attic room which is where I keep a large amount of sentimental objects all neatly packed and stored and kept clean. I have a lot of objects, letters and cards from my own childhood and life. I have a lot of my children’s clothes from age 0- 5, and a lot of their toys from the early years. I have their dismantled cot. I have every picture they have ever drawn. Why do I feel I need to keep all these possessions? Is there a way past becoming so attached to things? 2. My boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year and are very happy. I am 38 and he is 44. We’ve talked a little bit about children and both came to the conclusion that we don’t want to start over. . Anyways, I’ve had to get on various forms of birth control and some have been horrible on my body and mind. I got information about a vasectomy for him, even told him I’d pay for half and he kind of makes excuses and doesn’t sound like he’s in a hurry to do so.