Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

272: Work evaluation, Abandonment/Rejection issues, Life after psych meds



In today's show, the Dr's discuss: 1. I listened to Dr Howk on pseudo esteem where you say:  If you are highly agreeable, highly conscientious and not that emotionally stable - being on social media comes with a high price for you psycolgy.  I teach workshops for companies and I get graded every time from each students.   I get 5 from 95% of the students but sometimes I get a 2 or 3 and I can tell right away before I get the evaluation who in the crowd will grade me low.   How do I stop trying to please the one disagreeable person and not feel bad for getting a low grade? When I have a disagreeable person in my workshop I feel like I have to work twice as hard to turn him or her over to my side. It feels like Im spending 1000 dollars on a 100 dollar asignment and Im drained.  My boss allways sees the evaluation and I feel the need to explain my self if a person gave me a low grade.   My boss uses the good evaluations as a selling point to get the companies to buy more workshops at his school.   2. Do you ever