Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

279: BF's career, Women abusing men, Video games, Afraid to talk, gender theory



In today's show, Dr. Howk discusses:  1.Should I be worried if my boyfriend's career is a higher priority than me and our future family? If I was the love of his life would his career still be more important than me? He is 40 and a financier on wall street.  2. What are the ways women abuse men? Is the silent treatment, inducing jealousy, withholding intimacy, considered abusive? I’m a woman and I found myself doing these things in a toxic relationship in which my partner called me abusive, which made me wonder if I was. 3. You've only briefly touched on video games on the podcast, and I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on the psychology behind them. What do you link their popularity as an entertain medium / form of escape to?You've only briefly touched on video games on the podcast, and I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on the psychology behind them. What do you link their popularity as an entertain medium form of escape to? 4. I am a 35 year old female who is afraid to talk to men. I am so nervous