

"Really, what moved me to write this is, what does it take to exist within a well-lived life?"Eric Kaufmann has coached and counseled executives since 1999. He has identified common themes and patterns that underlie what he's identified as "Leadership as a Hero's Journey." The essential four traits that he's written extensively about include:1) FOCUS2) COURAGE3) GRIT4) FAITH"Focus is what am I creating... what I create is somewhat related to my focus and somewhat related to 'stuff'..." In this engaging interview, Martin and Eric discuss the philosophy that underlies much of Eric's thinking and writing these days—particularly the four virtues as outlined in his book. The two kick things off as they exchange some fun anecdotes about family life with two daughters of the same ages (13 and 15).Eric's book is being re-released by a new publisher under a slightly different name, "The Four Virtues of a Leader." In this episode, Eric covers:How he defines a HEROThe three things each hero is called to doWho a hero rea