

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” ~Douglas Adams By: Martin Grunburg It's great to be back in the saddle and while this is NOT the official kick-off of Season 4 (Habits 2 Goals Podcast), it is my effort to get you caught up and share at least one of the great lessons I recently experienced. Admittedly, you're gonna have to be a little patient (it takes a while to set the table here) but coincidentally patience is a component part of this lessons anyway! ; ) Today, I share a bit about my long-standing partnership (23+ yrs) and it's official separation... all good, mostly. The fact is we'd been partners (3 of us) longer than most marriages exist and with our company's recent win of a prime contract award (defense) AND, given that they are in the neighborhood of 70 years old an exist strategy presented itself. How and why this may relate to you. Entrepreneurs (people in general) love to cling to motto's, slogans, trite and not so trite sayings, that guide and drive them and