Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year, (STEP #8 HabitStrength™)



"Discipline is a habit. GRIT is a habit. The more good behaviors you can habituate the less you will need to rely on willpower." [STEP #8,  (week #8) in the BREAKTHROUGH mini-series, "How to Make 2018 Your Best, Breakthrough New Year Ever!"] Step #OCHO =  HabitStrength!! Step #1: Decide Step #2: Assess Step #3: Values, Mission and Vision Step #4: Passion & Purpose Step #5: Energy & Enthusiasm Step #6: GOALS! Step #7: HABIT! HABIT! HABIT! And, now we delve into... part deux of Habit; HabitStrength! Think about habit development just like muscle development. It isn't about a set number of days, it's about a process and the P.A.R.R. process/method we covered in the last episode. People don't go to the gym and ask, "How long will it take to develop my biceps?" No. They start with 15lbs and curl that weight until within a few weeks it feels light (they get stronger) so they up the weight to 20lbs then 25, 30, 35lbs, etc. Each successive week of planning, acting, recording and reassessing helps to develop t