

"These are two industries (gaming & advertising), let's face it, that are dependent upon changing your behavior; they have to specialize in mind-control..." ~Nir Eyal Nir Eyal seems to be wired for creativity and, as he describes it, lives at the intersection of psychology and technology. Nir has a storied and successful background in technology startups (as a founding entrepreneur) and has emerged from both the gaming and advertising space with a keen interest in the various ideas (and ingredients) that help to make products/apps successful— to make them stick and become habit forming. As Nir put it, "Let's face it, these are two industries (advertising and gaming) that are dependent upon changing our behaviors." By having a "front-row seat" within each of these industries, Nir continued to search and understand just what components helped to formulate habit-forming products and services. So, when he couldn't find that answer/book, he decided it was time to write it. Hence, his bestseller, Hooked, was bo