

Today's FAF (Frequently Asked Friday): "How can I be happy in a world gone crazy?" Pollution, war, moral bankruptcy, atrocities that go beyond our comprehension -- we're living in a world full of challenges, and it's easy to become overwhelmed and depressed. But we have lives to lead and children to raise, so how can we find a semblance of peace and happiness amid all the chaos? MG addresses this question by reaffirming Buddha's observation... that bringing light to any darkness is the answer. Being sad, down, and empathetic are normal reactions to the problems in the world -- but these emotions aren't helpful to the problem or, perhaps more importantly, yourself. A quote often attributed to Buddha says: "Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of that candle cannot be shortened." How can you make the decision -- the choice -- to be happy? How can you choose to be the light in spite of the darkness? Enjoy the episode! Feel free to share and leave a review on iTunes and be sure to su