

Noun: The action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time. This special, non-interview Wednesday "Mind Bullet" is inspired by a previous episode, The Best Use of Your Mind, where MG breaks down the profound insights in David Allen's fantastic book, Getting Things Done! -- namely, that writing down your ideas and thoughts frees space for new creativity. "The weakest ink is stronger than the strongest memory." But today's mind bullet is the exact opposite — celebrating the capacity to hold on to an idea and truly, deeply contemplate it. Contemplation is the capacity to grasp an idea and study it over a long period of time. We're talking deep, reflective thought. Challenge yourself to do both! Appreciate the value of emptying your mind (in this overly-stimulated world) AND, find value and magic in contemplating "big" ideas for long periods of time. Hear how years of contemplation led to the creation of both The Habit Factor and The Pressure Paradox. (Ten years between the two books). So what's the bi