

"Decide what you want to be -- and go be it!" ~Tequila Truck Habits2Goals welcomes back former co-host Henry J. Evans, a dynamic marketing expert, best-selling author, speaker and consultant on accountability, strategy execution and emotionally intelligent leadership. Henry discusses his reaffirmed belief in the PARR methodology and how important it is to track and measure your behavior. "That which is tracked and measured is improved!" MG shares his most recent behavior-tracking journey, "The Path to 178!" where he vowed to reduce his body fat to lower levels than when he was 38 years old.  Tracking, both hosts, explain, is the ironic path to freedom! Recall:   "discipline = freedom." Henry shares that a trusted tracking system lets you "offload" these things from your mind, helping you truly be in the present. Save the mind for big thinking! The Big Idea discussed in this episode springs from both meditation and tequila: A tequila truck sign that read, "Decide what you want to be and go be it!" This unlikel