

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." ~Napoleon Hill “Clarity is essential. Knowing exactly what you want builds your self-confidence immeasurably.” ~Brian Tracy You're down. You're dejected. Things need to turn around for you. This Frequently Asked Friday brings us back to the beginning with a simple question: Where do I begin? First, it's important to note, as you're picking yourself up, that there is a distinction between failing (the activity) and knowing that YOU, the person, are certainly not a failure.  Failure, as we've noted in the past, is stepping stone along the path that we all go through. As long as they're non-lethal, failures are a necessary and important step on your path toward becoming your best self. So where do we start? Recalling Covey's adage "Begin with the end in mind," we must find clarity. Where is it you're trying to go? What is it that you're trying to accomplish? Do you believe IT is possible? Listen in for more about digging yourself out of a hole,