

"Chess is life in miniature. Chess is struggle, chess is battles. ~Garry Kasparov”  Last week we explored the topic of chess as a metaphor for the goal-achievement process, illustrating the strategic thinking, planning, defensive posturing and awareness you'll need on your goal achievement journey.  This week, we look at the lessons of chess that come into play when problem-solving.  At a Memorial Day barbecue, MG ran into an old friend with a complicated life -- running a business, handling a divorce, raising children and navigating a new relationship. When the topic turned to  his sailboat, on which he and his family loved to play games, MG asked, "How often do you play chess?" Without skipping a beat the friend responded, "'I'm playing chess every da."  Without hearing the prior Chess podcast episode, he intuitively equated the complex game to the logic, strategy, vulnerability assessment, small victories and sacrifices required to navigate the challenges of day-to-day life.  When facing problems in life,