

"No man is free who cannot command himself."~Pythagoras You may be familiar with the old adage, "No pain, no gain." But on a dingy wall in a college apartment by the beach, MG and his roommates had a sign that read, "No pain, no pain." This phrase is even more enlightening in the context of these MBM episodes that have been focusing on challenge and change.  We often get the question, why do I need to challenge myself? Life is hard enough already. Yes, life is hard; therefore, giving ourselves challenges, often physical, helps us to create mental breakthroughs and personal growth. "No pain, no pain." Not challenging yourself, not putting yourself in a state of growth, is comfortable. There's no pain — TODAY. But this is static thinking. Because life is dynamic, you may end up paying for that comfort and pain-free existence later, with health issues or emotional roadblocks. We get too wrapped up in dichotomous thinking, but life is about balance. It's this AND that. Go fast AND slow. Life is short AND long. Yo