

"As a businessman and a human, I have every opportunity to start fresh, take advantage of new opportunities, and to attack life with renewed vigor.” ~Kevin Daum Habits2Goals is delighted to welcome media strategist, serial entrepreneur, theater arts champion, and bestselling author Kevin Daum.  Kevin’s marketing approach as an Inc. 500 entrepreneur delivered more than $1 billion in sales. As a serial entrepreneur, he built several companies and now leads an experienced team of Gazelles International coaches who help fast-growth companies apply Scaling Up principles. Kevin is also a contributing editor for the YPO global leadership community and garners several hundred thousand monthly views for his column on He is a consistently high-rated speaker. Kevin is a champion for liberal arts education and has facilitated unique arts-based learning programs for Fortune 500 companies.  Listen in to learn about Kevin's entrepreneurial journey, how to strategically plan to create a personal awesome future, and