

"Feast upon uncertainty. Fatten upon disappointment. Enthuse over apparent defeat, and invigorate in the presence of difficulties.” Today's Mind Bullet is about setting a new mindset: Start clapping! When misfortune hits, we tend to think in extremes. Didn't get the job? I'll be homeless in three weeks! It's easy to spin out into the worst scenario. But there's an infinite spectrum of possibilities, and staying optimistic is a great tool to steady yourself in the face of adversity to recalibrate your course. The great NFL coach Pete Carroll of the Seattle Seahawks is in a near-constant state of clapping during the game. Seahawks missed a field goal? He claps. They fumble. He claps. The other team scores a touchdown? He claps. He's constantly showing his team that they're fine, there's plenty of time, and it's not panic time.  This mindset goes beyond football into all aspects of life. Didn't get the job? It's OK, start clapping. Things not turning out as you expected? There's still time; it's not over yet. Yo