

"Don't die with your music still in you.” ~Dr. Wayne Dyer With the New Year comes a five-part series to be released each Wednesday in January: 2020 Vision & Wellness. Today's episode helps us to get clear about our goals and ambitions for the new year. We "begin with the end in mind", by identifying what we want to create in 2020 and beyond. To do this we review several vision and clarity exercises and Stephen Covey's, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People to underscore the importance of clarity. MG shares the experience that was responsible for him to take action toward his most important goal (after wasting so many years) claims the same exercises are responsible for the creation of the book, app and podcast. Finally, with the theme of wellness, he urges listeners to consider challenging themselves physically in the new year which is likely to help them grow mentally and emotionally as well. Listen to the first part of the series and find out how you can propel yourself to get a great jumpstart in