

"Practice!? You talking about Practice!?” ~Allen Iverson In today's MBM, yes, we're talking about PRACTICE! Practice, the art of strengthening a habit or skill is in itself, an overlooked skill. The question for you is, "What are you practicing today?" Practice precedes results in all areas of our lives. The more often and better we practice with intention, the better our results. The problem is so many people think of "practice" as something that applies only to professional athletes. What could you begin to practice today to improve the results in those areas that are important to you? A few examples of skills/habits to practice; saving money, breathing, stretching, drinking water, exercising, just to name a few. The beauty for long-time habit factor users is the process to improve one's practice habit follows the very same principles within P.A.R.R.; Plan, Act, Record & Reassess! Listen in to hear more about the significance of incorporating a mindset of daily practice to produce the results you