

"There are only three requirements for success. First, decide exactly what it is you want in life. Second, determine the price you are going to have to pay to get what you want. And third, and this is the most important, resolve to pay that price." ~H. L. Hunt When it comes to goal achievement and success there is always a price to pay. Did you become a better reader or student? Did you learn a new skill or vocation? Did you become more fit? The price of success is one that is always paid in advance! The price you must be willing to pay is the development of new habits. The price you must be willing to pay is your personal transformation. If the person you are today was sufficient you would already have achieved the goal you seek. Once you have clarity on what you want. Now it's time to identify the habits you must develop that support and align with the goals and ideals you want to achieve and begin developing them. That is the price you will pay. And, yes, the payment is due every day. It often means sacrif