

"Day one or one day. It's your choice."  A single day is a powerful concept. In a single day our world can truly begin to transform. All it takes is one day! Just one day for us to make a life-long, lasting commitment to begin to develop new habits. Transformation and positive change can begin in a moment --on any given day YOU decide. Jim Rohn used to say, "We cannot change our destiny overnight but we can change our destination." The question is which day are you going to begin? Can you make today THE day? Or, will today be just another day.   Many of us get caught up in someday syndrome. Brian Tracy loves to call it, "Someday Island". And, he says there are a lot of people stranded there! You know, "Someday, I'll... go on that family vacation". "Someday, I'll start to save money." "Someday, I'll learn how to play the piano or learn a new language." The power to change is always in the present. Nobody ever created change in the future. Positive change is created on DAY ONE. Is today DAY ONE or just one day?