

"Unfortunately, we're all not going to be lucky enough to have a near-death experience." During a recent interview (which has yet to air) for another habit-related podcast, host Brian Conroy said something interesting: "You know, I don't mean to sound skeptical, but these other authors, what's they've all had near-death experiences." While the interviewer's point was not lost, the message had a more meaningful application, thus MG's answer above. Since near-death experiences force us to ask the tough questions, the realization is that we should ALL be "lucky" enough to encounter them. However, this isn't likely to happen any time soon for most of us, so we'll have to do the next best thing: Use our creative imaginations and pretend we have almost died! Near death experiences lead us to ask reflective questions, such as, What has my life meant? What have I shared/given? What have I learned? What have I achieved and experienced in this life? Perhaps even better, "If we were to die tomorrow, wha